Friday, 15 March 2013

A letter to myself

This week something kind of weird happened to me. I've been half expecting it for a while now, I knew it should be coming the end of this month, but it arrived earlier than I expected, and kind of took me by surprise. 'What is this weird thing' I hear you asking!? Well, this week I received a letter off the March 2012 me. Yeah, weird.

OK, so a a year ago I was finishing off at bible school and getting ready to come home. Our principle gave us the option of writing a letter to ourselves which the school would then post to us a year later. And so I did. I wrote this 6 page letter to myself which this week I got to read as I sat in a coffee shop in town.

As I read I laughed out loud, I cried a little, and laughed some more (....the 2012 me was a pretty funny lass I'm not going to lie!!). Most of all though, I seriously encouraged myself. I read all the things that I'd written to myself, things that the 2012 me didn't want to forget, things that I knew I would need reminding of. And it was so awesome. There was so much in there that I needed to read.

God is so good, he knew exactly what the 2013 me would need to hear, and so he'd put it all on the heart of the 2012 me to write down. Literally everything that I'm struggling with right now, the 2012 Steph covered. I was reminded of all the things that I learnt during my time at Bodenseehof; verses that had challenged and encouraged me during those 6 months, lessons that God had taught me, principles that were based on His truth that he placed on my heart. His planning never ceases to amaze me.

I got thinking to all that's gone on the year that I've been back home. Firstly  I cant really believe that its been a whole year already...where does time actually go!?! But yeah, I thought back to what He has done for me the past year, how He has provided for me. He reminded me through this letter that He is my provider, and he wont ever stop being my provider.

I'd also put in this letter 'the best equation ever' ...


I think we are often so quick to think that all we need in X, Y, or Z in our lives to be satisfied, or to be that little bit happier. But we are so wrong to think this. He is all we need. In Him, and only Him, can we find true satisfaction. 

This letter couldn't have come at a better time, and couldn't have contained anything more that I needed to be reminded of.

Thank you Jesus. 

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