Thursday, 19 April 2012



Today was my day off. It's been a while since I've had a day where I'm free do do as I wish. No shift at work at all, no solid plans that I had to stick to. I was free to just have a day for me.
And so I slept in, I read my book (The Lucky One, by Nicholas Sparks. It's getting pretty good, the characters are currently falling in love pretty much. VERY excited for the film to come out soon!) in bed for a long time. I got up, had some breakfast whilst still reading my book. I played the piano for some time. I met us with my best friend and started clearing out her future house. I emailed some friends from bible school. I cleaned the kitchen. And I made my friends birthday prezzie, something that I saw on pintrest a while back.

All in all, it was a great day.
And its not over yet. Technically I still have just under 2 hours left of the day. I plan to continue sipping on my Belgium hot chocolate, read a few more chapters of my book, and then snuggle up in bed and catch up on the latest episode of my favorite numbers, 90210.

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