Sunday, 29 April 2012

this week

This week I WILL start my healthy eating/exercise regime that I meant to start 4 weeks ago when i came back from Germany, the land of bread and chocolate.

I'm not cutting out cakes, I'm not cutting out chocolate. I point blank refuse to do that, I like them too much. Plus, I'd simply not manage to do that. I 'have the will power. I'm just going to eat less of them than I have been, and start running more than I am (which will be easy as I've not run once since getting home).

Surely, in a few weeks, that number on the scale will start to get a little smaller, and my clothes might not be as snug as they are now.

Well, that's the theory anyway.

Thursday, 26 April 2012

project office

So I have set myself a project to let the interior designer inside myself to be expressed. I'm decided to re-decorate our office. Now, I use the term 'office' loosely, dumping ground would be a more accurate way of describing this room...I mean, just take a look...

Who even knows what's in this cupboard
The calendar on the left there is from, no joke, 2006!

Yep, its a serious dumping ground. On that
chair there, the one that got rejected from
 the sitting room when we decorated that,
is a very very very old mac that is never ever
goingto get used again.
Why do we have it I ask?!!

Now, thanks to my pintrest addiction, I have gathered some ideas on the end result of my project...this is what I'm visioning...

Look how organised that it :)

So simple

(Images from

This could be a little bit of a challenge I think, but boy will it be worth it. I also feel that this project may take me some time...doing little bits at a time. 


Thursday, 19 April 2012



Today was my day off. It's been a while since I've had a day where I'm free do do as I wish. No shift at work at all, no solid plans that I had to stick to. I was free to just have a day for me.
And so I slept in, I read my book (The Lucky One, by Nicholas Sparks. It's getting pretty good, the characters are currently falling in love pretty much. VERY excited for the film to come out soon!) in bed for a long time. I got up, had some breakfast whilst still reading my book. I played the piano for some time. I met us with my best friend and started clearing out her future house. I emailed some friends from bible school. I cleaned the kitchen. And I made my friends birthday prezzie, something that I saw on pintrest a while back.

All in all, it was a great day.
And its not over yet. Technically I still have just under 2 hours left of the day. I plan to continue sipping on my Belgium hot chocolate, read a few more chapters of my book, and then snuggle up in bed and catch up on the latest episode of my favorite numbers, 90210.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Creative urge

This afternoon after getting home from work I got the urge to be creative. And so I made a bracelet that I'd seen on pintrest AGES ago. But my creative desire was still there.

I opened some photos up on my laptop and started editing and playing around with them. But I still felt the need to be more artsy.

And so I rooted in my draw, pulled out some paint, got my self a paintbrush from the cupboard, filled a glass with some water and started painting ...well, I say painting, no great masterpieces were created. However, my creative urge was satisfied when I had that paintbrush in my hand.

I've missed being artsy.

Sunday, 15 April 2012

...and breathe

Part of me feels like I haven't had chance to stop and take a breath since I've got back from Germany.
I'm ready for a chill day. A Steph day.

I want to tidy my room, organize my stuff, spend hours on pintrest, start making all the things that I've already found on there, to read and read and read, journal, scrapbook, go for a walk, or even better to go for a run.

I want to find a field like this, to sit and listen to worship songs on my iPod.

Yeah, I'm ready for a Steph day.

Saturday, 7 April 2012


Holy design
this place in time
that i might seek and find my God
my God

Lord i want to yearn for You
i want to burn with passion
over You and only You
Lord i want to yearn

Your joy is mine
yet why am i fine
with all my singing and bringing grain
in light of Him

oh You give life and breath
through Him You give all things
in Him we live and move
that's why i sing

Lord i want to yearn for You
i want to burn with passion
over You and only You
Lord i want to yearn

- Shane and Shane -

Monday, 2 April 2012

ahh, tea

I'm currently only a 'water only' lent/charity thing. Basically, for the past 6 weeks I've only drank coke, no lemonade, no orange juice, no apple juice, no hot chocolate, no Starbucks drinks, no Schwartz drinks, no alcoholic drinks, and most significantly, no tea!!

And now that the end is in sight, all I want is a brew. A nice hot cup of English tea with milk, no sugar,and a biscuit or two to dunk in it.

Ahh tea, how I miss you.