Sunday, 21 July 2013

set apart girl

Unless Jesus Christ remains our First Love, we will always be looking to a mere human to meet the deepest needs in our heart - and we'll always be disappointed, because they are needs that only Christ can meet. 

- Leslie Ludy (Set Apart Girl

Friday, 19 July 2013

Revelation Song

While I was at Bible School I learnt a ton of new worship songs. And this is one of them. I'd totally forgotten about it to be honest, we don't sing it in the youth group that I go to, I'm not too sure if any of my friends know it or not!? And we certainly don't sing it at my church. Pretty sure this isn't in the mission praise!!

The other day I decided to take my headphones with me for when I walked from my car to work. I don't often have them with me, I've gotten out of the routine of listening to music while I walk places. But for some reason that morning I picked up my headphones and shoved them in my bag. It was going to be a nice day, so I thought I would listen to some tunes as I walked through the park to work in the sun. I popped my iPhone on shuffle, and this beauty played in my ears.

Such a great song to start the day off, and it's been in my head ever since. So I just thought I'd share it with you all.

Thursday, 11 July 2013


I've missed quite a chunk of blogging the past few months, so I'm embracing the #tbt and I'm throwing it back to the end of May when best friend married the man she loves...

It was such a beautiful, blessed day, and I'm beyond happy for these too as they begin their married life together. Also, beyond happy that my best friend now lives about 40 miles closer to me, and is now a 2 minute bike ride away. Ahhhh, smiles all round.

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

blogging ghost/facebook obsessed

I know, I've totally neglected this little blog the past two months. I can't even use the excuse that life has been crazy, because it really hasn't. In fact, its been relatively slow tbh (obviously aside from my best friend getting married, that was pretty big!).

I've just spent the past 45 mins or so catching up on one of my friends blog. And I realised whist catching up with her blogging like how much I miss good ol'blogger.

And I've been thinking recently that I waste far too much time trolling through facebook. I seriously waste my life on there. I wake up, I quickly check facebook while I eat my breakfast. I walk into work and have another quick check. I'm sat on my lunch break, eating my dinner...ooh, lets just have a sneaky look on facebook and see what everyone is having for their lunch. I'm walking back to my car, oh look someone has liked on of my photos. I get home, and decide to spend an hour on facebook seeing what everyone else has been doing with their lives today and looking through photos I've actually already seen before.

Urghhh, when I think about it like that its actually embarrassing. What a waste of my time. And I'm going to delete the facebook app off my right now....literally this very minute...ok, its officially gone. And now all my apps are in a different place to where I'm used to them....lets sort that out later!!

So, I'm not going to delete my account. Lets not be too rash here. But I am going to test myself and just consciously make an effort to just not go on there quite as much as I do at the moment.

So July, here's the plan...lets facebook WAY less, and blog/read/actually socialise WAY more. Sound like a plan?!