Tuesday, 20 November 2012

annual leave

Today is the last day of my annual leave off work...and its been bliss!

What have I done with all my time off I hear you ask?! ...To be honest, not all that much! I've caught up with sleep and life. My room was cleaned, and then re-cleaned, and then tidied once more (turns out I cant keep my room tidy anymore, I'm turning into a slightly messy person!). I did a little bit of Christmas shopping, little being the operative word there as I came home with more for myself then for other people, whoops. Myself and 2 of my close friends went on a girly date, heading out for a meal then catch up with Mr Bond. And we also went to pack some shoeboxes for the Operation Christmas Shoebox appeal. Possibly THE most addictive charity activity ever. Defo going to do that again next year. And thats about it. That's a weeks worth of activities right there.

But tomorrow I'm back to it again, back to early mornings and the long commute to work. But I feel like the next few weeks are going to go by pretty fast...the run up to Christmas always does go kinda fast right!? It'll be here before we know it! And I have a few exciting things coming up too! Next weekend I'm going away to Liverpool to see Michael McIntyre which should be hilarious...not just his show, but the general banter of the group I'm going with. Christmas shopping and crafty-ness...kinda already started making some presents this week! I LOVE being crafty....thank you pintrest for all the inspirational ideas, I've never been so excited to get making things. Christmas youth group socials/games nights...these are always SO much fun.

Even though work starts again for me, and I don't know when my next bit of time off will be, I'm kinda looking forward to the coming few weeks.

Wait...as I type this the Coke-a-Cola Christmas advert has just come on TV...Yep, Christmas is DEFIANTLY on its way now. 

Sunday, 4 November 2012

mission praise 436

A few weeks ago (well, a good few weeks ago actually) we sung this some at church  I'd never heard of it before, but as we sung it I was like, wow, these words are awesome. 

I feel like I have a love hate relationship with these old type hymns that we sing at church. Some of them I just don't really like singing; I don't know...they feel too 'old' sometimes. And there are always like a billion sharps in the key which make them a flipping nightmare to play on the piano!

But some of them, like this one, are simply great. Classic hymns which I think we will be singing decades down the line. When I have my 'piano days', where all I want to do is sit down and press the keys and make some music, I'm starting to open my mission praise music book in the first half where all the old hymns are. And I'm finding some great classic songs; I've forgotten how great some of them are... And Can It Be, O Lord My God, Be Thou My Vision... yeah, these can be pretty tough to play, but I LOVE THEM. The words are awesome. And they are songs you just want to sing at the top of your voice.

As much as I love some of the new worship songs we have these days, I don't think you can beat a good classic traditional hymn. 

And mission praise number 436 is now one of my new favorites... 

Lord make me a mountain, standing tall for You
Strong and free and holy, in everything I do
Lord make me a river, of water pure and sweet
Lord make me the servant of ev'ryone I meet

Lord make me a candle shining with your light
Steadfastly unflickering standing for the right
Lord make me a fire burning strong for You
Lord make me humble in ev'rything I do

Lord make me a mountain, strong and tall for you
Lord make me a fountain of water clear and new
Lord make me a shepherd that I may feed Your sheep
Lord make me the servant of ev'ryone I meet