OK, so agggges ago when I got home from Germany I remember writing here how I had literally nothing planned in front of me. My life was a blank page ahead of me...I had no clue what step to make in terms on my career, I had zero summer plans, I didn't know which church to go to... I had no clue which direction I was heading, or what was around the corner.
And now, almost a good 6 months later, I can say that my white sheet of paper isn't so plain anymore.
Thinking back over the last 5 months is kind of odd. At the time, I felt as though I was going nowhere and seeming to gain nothing. But now, when I look back, actually a ton of stuff happened...
- I slotted right back into my old waitressing job which I LOVE.
- I went to Ambleside with my girl friends, and while we were there got asked to be maid of honor for my best friend.
- I started going to the church in the village next to me.
- I played in the Sportsreach annual netball tournament, the first time I'd played in a year pretty much. I was a tad stiff the next day!
- I went to Keswick Christian Convention...such a great week.
- Myself and the other bridesmaids went on two, slightly jam packed, dress shopping days before finally deciding on the perfect bridesmaid dress. So flipping stoked to wear this dress, it's stunning.
- We surprised my best friend by taking her to Northern Ireland for 4 days... possibly the highlight of the summer for me so far.
- I applied for numerous nursing and non nursing jobs. After turning down a job I just didn't feel right, I then had as string of nursing interviews, all of which I got turned down by until after the final interview I had lined up offered me a job. And out of all of the interviews I had, that one one of the top ones I wanted.
When I look forwards and backwards in my life I can totally see God hand at work.
Looking back I can see how He has been faithful to me these past few months. Life post Bible school had at times been pretty tough going, and I have often had the 'post bible school blues'. Sometimes I felt as though I was doing nothing, going nowhere...but actually God had it all in hand. He provided me with a very flexible part time job which I love until He blessed me with this nursing job. He has provided me with awesome friends to support and love me, and to keep me company as I waited for God to tell me what to do next!!
And when I look forward I'm starting to get hints of the plans He has for me. OK, so most of them I still have zero clue about, but I know He will give me directions where to turn as and when I need them.
All in all, life is good. I'm totally papping myself about starting this new job next week, but I know He is with me, so I'll be fine...right!? Still pretty nervous though :/
And now, almost a good 6 months later, I can say that my white sheet of paper isn't so plain anymore.
Thinking back over the last 5 months is kind of odd. At the time, I felt as though I was going nowhere and seeming to gain nothing. But now, when I look back, actually a ton of stuff happened...
- I slotted right back into my old waitressing job which I LOVE.
- I went to Ambleside with my girl friends, and while we were there got asked to be maid of honor for my best friend.
- I started going to the church in the village next to me.
- I played in the Sportsreach annual netball tournament, the first time I'd played in a year pretty much. I was a tad stiff the next day!
- I went to Keswick Christian Convention...such a great week.
- Myself and the other bridesmaids went on two, slightly jam packed, dress shopping days before finally deciding on the perfect bridesmaid dress. So flipping stoked to wear this dress, it's stunning.
- We surprised my best friend by taking her to Northern Ireland for 4 days... possibly the highlight of the summer for me so far.
- I applied for numerous nursing and non nursing jobs. After turning down a job I just didn't feel right, I then had as string of nursing interviews, all of which I got turned down by until after the final interview I had lined up offered me a job. And out of all of the interviews I had, that one one of the top ones I wanted.
When I look forwards and backwards in my life I can totally see God hand at work.
Looking back I can see how He has been faithful to me these past few months. Life post Bible school had at times been pretty tough going, and I have often had the 'post bible school blues'. Sometimes I felt as though I was doing nothing, going nowhere...but actually God had it all in hand. He provided me with a very flexible part time job which I love until He blessed me with this nursing job. He has provided me with awesome friends to support and love me, and to keep me company as I waited for God to tell me what to do next!!
And when I look forward I'm starting to get hints of the plans He has for me. OK, so most of them I still have zero clue about, but I know He will give me directions where to turn as and when I need them.
All in all, life is good. I'm totally papping myself about starting this new job next week, but I know He is with me, so I'll be fine...right!? Still pretty nervous though :/