Tuesday, 27 March 2012

blank page

It's funny just how fast you settle back home. I woke up this morning and just smiled as I saw my room, as I lay on my bed; my incredibly comfortable bed! It's good to be back.

I know I've been a total failure at blogging recently, and part of me regrets that, but a bigger part of me doesn't because I'm glad I used that time in a more valuable way with my Bode friends. Pretty much all of them I wont see again in the foreseeable future, me being all the way in England, and them all the way in North America which kind of sucks. But to look on the bright side, it gives me something to save up for right?! Road trip adventure around North America?!...yes please!

The past few weeks have been almost going at high speed, they quite literally just flew by. God was gracious and gave us some amazing weather to enjoy our last weeks together in, so my volleyball skills improved (...kind of) as we all played together outside like everyday. I already miss the community of the Bode, with there always being someone to go and hang out with; having your friends so close all the time. It's weird not being there anymore, and constantly being around all those people who you get so close to. And saying good bye to all those people was really hard. That weekend when people all left was one of the longest and most emotional weekend ever. I think I dehydrated myself from all of my tears haha!

Anyways, thanks goodness for post men, emails, facebook, and skype huh!?

I've always had something ahead of me that I know is next in my life. I finished school and knew I had 2 years of A Levels. I finished my A Levels and knew I was going to university for 3 years. I finished university and knew I have 6 months of Bible School to look forward to. And now I've finished Bible School, and I'm in a position I've never been in before. I have nothing planned ahead of me. I just have this blank page to look at with no solid plans written on it.

Half of me is nervous. I know I have to do something, I mean both in terms of finances and also if I don't find something to do I'm going to get very bored very quickly!! I just don't know the next step I'm going to take yet. I'm almost playing the waiting game.

But another part of my is excited. I'm looking forward to what God has planned for me. For how He is going to use me. In the mean time I'm learning dependence on Him. And I'm learning more about His sufficiency. While I wait for Him to make clear for me where He wants me next I trust that He will provide for my needs. It's almost a forced learning, but maybe that's what I need.

So yeah, I'm back home from Bode, and its bittersweet.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

too fast

Depending on how you look at it I have:

or 7 days,
or 168 hours,
or 10, 080 minutes,
or 604, 800 seconds,

left at Bodenseehof.
What the heck!?