Wednesday, 29 February 2012


Spring is defiantly in the air. The sky is blue, the sun is shining, the air is fresh, the shorts are back out, and the volleyball net is back up. It’s been a good day.

Nice weather really does make you feel good. There was just a feel good vibe around the school today, it was great. I went out for lunch with my old room mates and the girls who were in the room next door to us. It was great to get out, eat food, and laugh together. When we got back to school, I headed out to the decking and read my book in the sun, and then played volleyball for like 2 hours.

It was almost like déjà-vu from the first week of school, all of us out back of the school playing volleyball in the sun. But now we all know each other’s names, we are all comfortable around each other, and it’s not awkward!

I appreciate all the people that are here, and I’m starting to realise how much I’m going to miss the community we have here. I’m going to miss living with my friends, seeing them every morning at breakfast, spending each afternoon hanging out with them...I’m going to miss being able to wander around the building knowing that there will be someone somewhere who I can go and hang out with.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m so so excited to go and see my friends from home (like, seriously excited) but at the same time, I know when I’m home I’m a long way from most of them, and I won’t be able to spontaneously go and meet them as easily as I can here.

4 weeks to go....4 WEEKS!
Man alive.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

With Him

You know those new years resolutions that you make that after 2-3 weeks have already gone down the drain?! Well for me, blogging was one of those. I told myself I would try to blog like 2 times a week this year....FAIL! Never mind.

The past 6 days I've been on outreach with my English Outreach team. We went to the same place as last time, with some of the same kids, but this time was so so much better in loads of ways.

The last time we went to this camp my attitude was all wrong. It was still early on in the school year, I had already spent a week away on another English Camp in Switzerland, and I just didn't want to go away again. I wanted to stay at school with my friend. And so during the camp, I was there in body, but not really there in spirit. I put little effort in, and therefore got little out of it.

This time I was excited to go. I was ready to get out there with my outreach team and tell these kids about Jesus. I was more organised, I was more ready, and I tried to be more available.

God used the 6 days to remind me that without Him we are nothing. Nothing that we do...the drama's we perform, the worship songs we play, the nights that we organise, the questions that we try to answer...none of them will ever be enough unless we have God in them too. We are useless without Him. We can organise nights to show children who Jesus is, and give devotionals explaining the gospel until the cows come home, but unless God is apart of our plans, and we are committing all we do into His hands we won't get very far.
We are so inadequate to do His work with out Him.

But when we realise this, and commit our plan to God, then we can see mighty things happen. We can see Him opening the eyes and hearts of children. We can see His Spirit move within a place. With Him we can do all things.

"I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in Him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing"
- John 15:5

Monday, 6 February 2012

Sun 5th Feb :)

You know those days that are just awesome. For me, yesterday was one of them. Why?

1. The weather. It was a b-e-a-u-tiful day; it was freezing cold, but the sky was blue and the sun was shining.

2. Church. The sermon was pure gospel amazing-ness.

3. Photos. We got our yearbook photos taken which was great fun, and they are all looking amazing. The guys are doing a great job with them. I'm rather excited to see the end result.

4. The afternoon. I spent my afternoon with my Bode peeps playing ice hockey on a frozen lake. Ohhh yeahhh.

5. The sunset. A few of us walked back to the lake to watch the sun go down. We took photos, laughed, and watched the big pink sun set behind the mountains of Switzerland.

6. Skype. The highlight of the day, month, and year so far for me...skyping with my best friend with her now FIANCE (!!!) SHE IS GETTING MARRIED AND I AM SO SO SO EXCITED AND UNBELIEVEBLY HAPPY FOR HER.

So yeah, it was simply a great day.

Thursday, 2 February 2012


Its starting to snow at the Bode. The ground is white. Not particularly deep, but white non the less. Walking you can see your footsteps. Breathing you can see your breath. You have to take care where you place you feet to avoid the slippy icy parts.

I'm getting to that stage where I seriously need to be thinking about the steps I'm making. Which direction I'm going to go in.

I'm beginning to make some steps. Maybe this is one of those icy patches that wont work out? Maybe God doesn't plan for my feet to be going in this direction? I don't know. Maybe. But if that's the case He'll tell me along the way. Until then I'm going to be proactive in these steps and start making some footprints.