OK, so i decided that starting a blog would be the easiest way to keep in touch with people while I'm away! I've been thinking of starting one for a while now anyway and thought now would be a pretty good time seeing as i leave for Tanzania in like 10 hours ....arghhh!
My suitcase and hand luggage are pretty flipping full right now, my fingers are tightly crossed that it's less than 23kg and that everything that needs to be in there is in there! (Hospital stuff...check! Clothes....check! Wash things...check! Camera and charger....check! Passport and tickets....CHECK!!)
Not gonna lie, I'm pretty nervous at the mo, though its still feel pretty surreal that in less than 24 hours ill be in Africa! Still don't really know what to expect out there!
Anyway, I'm going to go and triple check that I have everything again!
I'll see you all soon, thanks for following the blog,
Steph xx